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Class Description Form

indicates a required answer

1. *

Class Title

2. *



If you selected OTHER for the Class SUBJECT, please suggest a new Subject Category for your class: 

4. *

Instructor Email Address    (If the class has multiple teachers, please send the teacher names and email addresses in a separate email to Chad Cartwright at [email protected])

5. *

Grades OR Ages (pick either, not both) of Students in class  (select your range)

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.
6. *

Instructor(s) Name(s)

7. *

The Total Amount due for this class is: (include tuition, lab costs, licensing fess, grading fee, additional supplies - any and ALL costs parents must pay for the whole year)

8. *

The Deposit which must be paid to the teacher by June 30th: (Total Deposit for the year - Fall and Spring together)

9. *

The Remaining Amount: (= Total Amount - Deposit)


Suggested High School Course Credit: - (ex. 1/2 credit geography, 1 credit history, 1 science/lab credit with Honors emphasis, etc.)

11. *

Course Description

12. *

Necessary Books and/or Supplies

13. *

Course Pre-Requisites


Approximate number of hours per week student is expected to spend on work outside of class time:


Parental involvement expectations:  (ex. Parents will be expected to grade all math assignments on a daily basis and administer weekly tests.)

16. *

Maximum Number of Students

17. *

Minimum Number of Students (if you have one, no default)


Class Start Date (if it is different than Heritage's start date for the year)  (mm/dd/yy)

19. *

Audio/visual tools needed for your class:

Use your Ctrl & Shift keys to select multiples.
20. *

Special classroom considerations: for example - amount of light, ability to lighten/darken the room, availability of electrical outlets, white boards, mobility of classroom  (Ex. 4 and 5 year olds in a classroom filled with electronics is a bad idea.) We will try to accommodate these requests, but actual room assignments depend on availability, class size and room orientation.

If your Class Description requires more information than can be entered in the above fields, either a Supply List or a Course Syllabus (or both) can be created. Please provide the additional information in a Word Doc file, and email it to [email protected].