About Heritage Home School Workshops
The purpose of HHSW is to provide high quality, academically challenging, spiritually uplifting classes to supplement, support, and encourage, but not to replace, what is being taught at home.
The classes are a unique educational experience that combines a high level of commitment from parents, students, and teachers. It is a ministry that is highly committed to the support of home education, and it is intended only to aid and supplement what dedicated families are already pursuing at home.
We strive to provide a Christ honoring and loving environment for all students to learn, be challenged, make friends, and grow in their relationship with their Savior. In the true spirit of a cooperative learning environment, we trust that all families are bringing their best to Heritage and have a desire to glorify God through their efforts.
Every Monday we currently gather at the First Baptist Church located at 1735 W. Highland Ave, Elgin, IL. Classes begin at 8:00 am and end at 5:00 pm. Students may take classes any hour that he or she chooses. The classes are designed to meet the needs of families with children ages K-12. Preschool classes are offered strictly for those families with registered older siblings. Heritage offers many high school classes needed for graduation as well as a number of special interest classes and classes in Christian living. Heritage also provides a Classical Educational alternative.