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Mrs. Sarah Fritsch To All Instructors

I was raised in a Christian home and I knew that I wanted to become a mom when I grew up.  Thankfully, I've had that opportunity (through adoption!).  I had thought a lot about homeschooling, but didn't think I could do it because of several health issues I was going through.  After awhile, and some of the health issues resolving, my husband and I decided to homeschool our children.  We had been enrolled in public school, but after Covid started and things shut down in 2020, we decided just to keep the kids home the following school year.  From there, we decided homeschooling would be good for our family.  Doesn't mean life is easy now and homeschooling doesn't have challenges.  It certainly does.  But we are thankful for this point we have gotten to and we trust God each day to continue to get us through.

Current Classes
Math and Science for Young Children – (open)